2020新人大会 決勝(宮和vs福岡) |
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Published: | 2020 / 09 / 26 | Displayed until: | indefinite | イベントの期間 | --- |
Publisher: | toru-n | Number of photos: | 194 / 2000 |
Download Album Data
You can select from 2 sizes at which to download photos uploaded to this album.
Please select the size best suited to your intended use.
Anyone who knows the the password for an album can download the photos uploaded there.
Both photo sizes will include comments published to the album or to individual photos.
Batch download

Size: 1500 px in length
This size is recommended if you want to view your photos on your own PC.
Take less time to download than original size photos.

Download Size: 206.0 MB
Size: The same as the size when photos were uploaded.
Divided Download
This size is recommended if you are planning to print the photos you download. However, the photo size means that downloads may take some time.
If the file size is large, your download will be separated into a series of compressed, smaller files. Comment data will be included with the first of these files.
Individual Movie File Download
Please wait before trying to download the file again.
If the download button does not become red, even after waiting, try refreshing the page by pressing CTRL and F5.